Do you have historical family connections with the Coolah district? Would you like to know more about your ancestors who lived around Coolah? Do you have a family story that mentions Coolah? Or photos of places near Coolah? If so, the Coolah Historical Society would love to hear from you!
The society was founded in 2009 by a small group of enthusiastic locals interested in our local heritage. Their mission then, as it is now, is to capture the family histories and stories accumulated over the years that have defined our heritage and has been expertly collated into several published volumes by former Shire Clerk and local Historian Roy Cameron OAM.
Several community projects have been undertaken by the Society and they include, the McCubbin Grave restoration within the Coolah Presbyterian Church grounds, the recovery of Stump 133, an important historical survey marker for the creation of the 1st returned soldier settlement in NSW and the refurbishment of old signage on the Coolah Bargain Barn building. Their current project is to assist with the Craboon Coolah railway centenary that will hopefully feature a celebration on the old Coolah Station site and the book launch of Roy Cameron’s latest book, “End of the line”.
The historical society are happy to take your family history enquiry and/or contribution to Coolah’s local history. Family Histories and stories of the townsfolk, the farmers, and the pioneer businesses are welcome.
To assist with enquiries, please fill out the form below that will connect with the Society’s secretary and researchers, who have some familiarity with the extensive but as yet uncatalogued local records collection recently entrusted to the Society’s keeping.